Loving God - Loving our Community
9am Morning prayer Carol service
10.45am All Age Carol service
“Sent to be active”
3pm “When Christmas hurts”
You can hear last week’s service on the theme of “Sent to be Light ” in the services part of our website.
Join us for Christmas
Join us for Advent
Advent is a time of preparation. It is essentially the run up to celebrating the birth of Jesus at Christmas. Why not use this time to establish a new or deepen a Holy Habit to bring you closer to Jesus?
The Holy Habit for Advent 2024 is “Getting into the Bible.” This will include suggestions for those enquiring /starting out; resources for
Advent for those further along in their faith journey; people in our CSK church family sharing what works for them; updates from groups
where we read the Bible together and WOW’s where the Bible’s wisdom has transformed lives.
A Bible verse/passage that has made a difference to your life
One of our church family shares this verse from 2 Timothy chapter 1:7 has made an impact on her life when she had post-natal anxiety.
All about us
We're a lively, active, passionate church community based in the South West of High Wycombe.
We live to follow Jesus, to do what he told us to do:
In a nutshell, to love God and to love our neighbour.
Our Sunday Services, an opportunity to gather to think, pray, celebrate and encourage, take place at 9am and 10:45am each Sunday on-site, on-screen and on-line, live in the building and shared via Zoom and YouTube. When we meet in large gatherings, we give each other space, and keep windows open for ventilation, to protect the vulnerable members of the community.
We remain connected by God's powerful Spirit and stay in touch in many ways - by phone, email, online via Zoom, through friendships, small groups and on our Facebook Page here: CSK High Wycombe - Facebook
If you want to learn more about us:-
Click on the image below to find out more:
Click on the image below to access all our recorded services:
Click on the image below to learn about what we think and how we want to live:
Click on the image below to learn more about how we work to ensure a safe and loving community:
If you'd like to get in touch with us about anything, please click on the image below to contact us: